
Toyota Prius Battery

This is not a definitive answer to the expected life of the battery, the Toyota Prius hybrid. There are people who do not get a long battery life with the Toyota Prius. Before this started happening, it became clear that it can operate for more than 200,000 miles and about nine years.

Toyota Prius, the batteries last longer than others, due to the fact that they only charged 60%. It also gives the possibility of braking. Typically, the system typically provides a battery to change the maximum fee level 10-15%. Therefore, it is not possible to get a fully charged battery.
In the United States guarantees the entire hybrid system for 8 years and 100,000 miles it does not include the battery life of the Toyota Prius. If you live in California, you can have long-lasting battery warranty for your Prius. They give a warranty of 10 years or 150,000 miles.

According to Toyota, which has not been issued to replace the battery.

It is hoped that the "Toyota" nickel-metal hydride batteries for the past 150,000 miles, while other brands are expected to only last 36,000 miles or three years. This estimate is based on the battery life of the Toyota Prius in the laboratory test bench.
Reports for the battery life of the Toyota Prius and Toyota say they are determined by the age of the Prius battery. Instead, it is calculated depending on the mileage. He proved worthy of 180,000 miles quite easily. But it also shows that some Prius battery sale has been running for more than 200,000 miles, and without any problems.

Average life expectancy of the Toyota Prius battery is about eight years, and we expect them to last for nine years without wear or tear. After eight years, they may need some replacements. Suggested problems faced by those batteries to try all options that can be easily accessed by them. We have three main options that you can think of

    You can buy a new battery from the dealer. This will cost between $ 3,000 and $ 4,000 for something, that Toyota should have never happened.
    You can check eBay there are some people who sell batteries for half the cost of the Toyota Prius for Toyota dealers and distributors. Which is usually anywhere from $ 1,500 to $ 2,500. It can be risky because they do not know how and tear, or the number of miles the battery would be it.
    The best option and I've found on the Internet. You can find guides online that will show you how to restore the Prius battery, and use the tools of old would normally only in your garage. Some people feel that this is not a task that can be handled. Can still save money by using this option. Other stores of the Toyota dealership, which will use the Prius actually provide them with management and will restore the battery. This option is much cheaper than the options mentioned above, since in most cases can go back and rebuild the Prius battery, on the road to $ 500.

Will have more information about the program run the Prius battery finding is published on the link below. Manual selection can be what you want and save money in your pocket and not Toyota.


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